Aug 07, 2006 · You're right, Drupal 4.7's menu system doesn't allow per-menu-link control of display based on the viewer's role. However, if you're willing to build the menu yourself, and sprinkle it with PHP, you can achieve the result you're after.

As per >>'Module's developer manual' I'd implemente the _menu hook. But, this >>way, an item is added to the navigation menu. How can I get rid of it ? > > MENU_CALLBACK: Callbacks simply register a path so that the correct function > is fired when the URL is accessed. I have two instances of main_menu on a page. One is in the header, using superfish. The other is in the sidebar, using menu_block. I want to hide a menu item in the sidebar and show it in the head May 18, 2016 · Added bonus—you no longer need to retrieve a role ID using user_role_load_by_name(), because in Drupal 8 role IDs are now machine readable strings!. I often need to add a drush command that can be run in non-production environments that will make certain users administrators (e.g. developers who need full access in non-prod, but shouldn't have full access on production), and using this new The Drupal 7 Menu Admin Per Menu module is a simple module that allows you to grant permissions for users to administer specific Drupal menus based on their role. This module for instance would allow you to allow one role to modify the Main menu, while not allowing the role to modify a separate menu on your Drupal 7 website. In this episode you will learn: How to allow a specific role to

Sep 14, 2017 · Enter Menu Item Role Access, this module allows you to control access to specific menu items. What Menu Item Role Access does. This module adds an optional role field to menu items which lists all of the available roles. A user who has access to edit menu items will then be able to select the roles which have access to see this menu item. What

May 18, 2016 · Added bonus—you no longer need to retrieve a role ID using user_role_load_by_name(), because in Drupal 8 role IDs are now machine readable strings!. I often need to add a drush command that can be run in non-production environments that will make certain users administrators (e.g. developers who need full access in non-prod, but shouldn't have full access on production), and using this new The Drupal 7 Menu Admin Per Menu module is a simple module that allows you to grant permissions for users to administer specific Drupal menus based on their role. This module for instance would allow you to allow one role to modify the Main menu, while not allowing the role to modify a separate menu on your Drupal 7 website. In this episode you will learn: How to allow a specific role to Oct 01, 2008 · Global Redirect with Path (and usually Pathauto) really is the best way - it just takes care of it automatically. Taxonomy term pages (/taxonomy/term/1) can be redirected manually with Path Redirect, but it won't let you do that for nodes (plus it would be a pain to add every time).

Deletes all links for a menu. menu_link_delete in includes/ Delete one or several menu links. _menu_navigation_links_rebuild in includes/ Builds menu links for the items in the menu router.

Drupal will hide menu items for paths that users don't have access to. But for this to work, it requires that the access callback for that menu item returns FALSE.If you handle access control in the menu callback instead, Drupal won't know that the user doesn't have access and will display the menu. Sep 23, 2015 · * Clear cache, then menu will hide menu to user(s) that are selected. USAGE-----* As most of the site(s), they are having many role(s), but they want to hide specific menu per user. * This menu per user module helps them to achieve user specific menu show/hide. * This Menu Per user module won't work along with Menu Item Visibility, Menu Per I'd created a custom menu using the Menu UI and added a menu item for the node in question. I expected that my hook_node_access() implementation would hide the menu item as well as prevent the node from being viewed by Anonymous and Client Role Users – it didn't. Here's what worked for me (hook_node_grants() and hook_node_access_records()): Aug 07, 2006 · You're right, Drupal 4.7's menu system doesn't allow per-menu-link control of display based on the viewer's role. However, if you're willing to build the menu yourself, and sprinkle it with PHP, you can achieve the result you're after. A router item is an associative array corresponding to one row in the menu_router table. The value corresponding to the key 'map' holds the loaded objects. The value corresponding to the key 'access' is TRUE if the current user can access this page. Clears the page and block caches at most twice per page load. _menu_delete_item: includes/ Deletes a single menu link. _menu_find_router_path: includes/ Finds the router path which will serve this path. _menu_item_localize: includes/ Localizes the router item title using t() or another callback. _menu_link_build MENU_LOCAL_TASK: includes/ Menu type -- A task specific to the parent item, usually rendered as a tab. MENU_NORMAL_ITEM: includes/ Menu type -- A "normal" menu item that's shown in menu and breadcrumbs. MENU_SUGGESTED_ITEM: includes/ Menu type -- A normal menu item, hidden until enabled by an administrator.